
At The Movement Clinic Sydney, we are placing considerable emphasis on the importance of injury prevention for all types of sports. Over the last few years we have been getting more and more concerned about the ever-increasing incidence of acute traumas and chronic injuries in kids’ sports in Australia and wanted to know what we could do reduce the amount of damage happening to kids’ health. With the professionalisation of sports like Football, Netball, Rugby League and Union and AFL, a well-paid career in sports has become a viable option for children and their parents, which has led to a massive increase in training frequency and loading, with many career-ending injuries as a result.

Although Injury Rehabilitation is our bread and butter, we have decided to divert our attention from “fixing-the-problem” to “preventing-the-problem-from-happening.” There is enough evidence that a lot of kids are simply not physically equipped to deal with the required training load and therefore develop these injuries. Apart from the obvious physical distress, this is quite a financial burden for families to deal with and it is coupled with an enormous amount of mental stress and frustration for the child.

For the last 2 years, we have put our attention to the area of Football (Soccer) and Athletics, simply because our kids were involved in these sports and were amazed at the lack of structural support and preventive procedures. After some brainstorming sessions, we have found several indicators that demonstrate an increased risk of injury throughout the season and have now developed a system to identify these indicators before they become injuries.

Little Athletics: NRCLAC

We currently provide an on-site service to the North Rocks Carlingford Little Athletics, on Saturdays at Kingsdene Oval in Carlingford. If you have a child who is participating in Athletics and you feel your child is in pain, struggling to keep up, not progressing well or you’re simply worried about lower limb anatomy we can do the following for you:

  • FREE on-site physical assessment; consisting of taking your clinical history, range of motion testing, stability and strength tests.
  • FREE preventative lower limb screening for kids suspected of pronated feet, causing biomechanical issues higher up the chain.
  • FREE on-site treatment for acute and chronic injuries, consisting of soft tissue releases, Kinesio Taping, stretches and mobilisations as well as providing First Aid.
  • FREE Gaitscan™ foot assessment in our clinic to determine the severity and negative effects of pronation to the kinetic chain.
  • FREE education and advice.

Football (Soccer); Roselea FC

At Roselea FC we are providing a Football Injury Prevention Program, with a focus of actively identifying players who show certain indicators that can predict injuries.

The program consists of the following parts:

  • 1st Phase Assessment (individual but in group setting)
  • Active Jump Strength
  • Lower Limb Stability/ Balance
  • Posterior Stability/ Hamstring strength
  • Agility

  • 2nd Phase Assessment; Full Body (individual)
  • Clinical history of injuries
  • Lower Limb range of motion
  • Specific strength testing
  • Specific muscle length tests
  • Specific advanced balance tests
  • Potentially Gaitscan™

  • Six-week Group Training Program (once per week)
  • Improving movement patterns
  • Increasing joint range of motion
  • Increasing muscle length
  • Improve Core Stability
  • Improving specific and functional muscle strength
  • 2 Exercise Videos per week to complete.
  • Education and advice

  • Re-Assessment End of Program
  • All tests are repeated, and the data is compared to the initial assessment.
  • Performance levels are re-tested and communicated to the players and club.

  • Results
  • All results are analysed and prepared for an official research article by a leading University in Sydney.


Treatment expert

Athletics & Football (Soccer) Preventive Screening & Assessment

Book an appointment


Castle Hill
phone: (02) 9680 2422
fax: (02) 9184 3300
Shop 701, Level 3, Castle Towers,
14 Old Castle Hill Road
Castle Hill, NSW 2154

Marsden Park
phone: (02) 9627 1610
fax: (02) 9184 3300 marsdenpark@themovementclinicsydney.com.au

Office Medical 7,
101 Elara Boulevard,
Marsden Park, NSW 2765
